We finally published our complete database on DEIMS-SDR platform. The database is composed by observations (collected between 1965 and 2015) of abiotic, phyto and zooplankton parameters in the LTER site IT-12 (Northern Adriatic Sea).

It is composed by more than 100000 observations collected during cruises along the Northern Adriatic Sea. It counts 21 parameters abiotic (just as temperature, oxygen content, salinity etc.), phyto- and zooplankton and each observation is referred both in space (latitude, longitude, depth) and time (date and time).


After a preliminary operation of data quality control and correction, the database has been published on DEIMS-SDR platform, which is the offical system for information management and data sites registry of LTER Internationaly. DEIMS-SDR has recently set up a service that allows to associate a PID (Persisten Indexed Identifier) of type Handle (technology also used by DOI - Digital Object Identifier) to the database. It is also allowed to choose a specific license for your data from the whole available panorama. The database uploaded in DEIMS is available also on B2Share catalogs and, from there, in EUDAT and GEOSS catalogs. All of this was possible thanks to an agreement between eLTER and the Collaborative Data Infrastructure EUDAT.


The publication of data in this way is in line with the principles of FAIRness in research data management: data are Findable (since they are indexed by the main search engines), Accessible (anyone can view and download the entire database), Interoperable (the set up services are multiplatform), Reusable (thanks tot he specific liberal license chosen for data). Moreover, a datapaper is under redaction, with the aim to better explain data and increment metadata quantity and quality.

The database is released under CC-BY license and it is available for download at the following link.