ISMAR conducts research in polar, oceanic and Mediterranean regions, focusing on the following themes:
- the evolution of oceans and their continental margins, studying submarine volcanoes, faults and landslides and their potential impacts onshore
- the influence of climate change on oceanic circulation, acidification, bio-geochemical cycles and marine productivity
- submarine habitats and ecology, and the increasing pollution of coastal and deep-sea environments
- the evolution of fish stocks with a view to keeping commercial fishing within sustainable limits and improving mariculture and aquaculture practices
- natural and anthropogenic factors producing economic and social impacts on coastal systems from pre-history to the industrial epoc
RITMARE project ![Logo RITMARE](logo_ritmare.png)
"Italian Research for the Sea" national flagship project
- 7 sub-programs:
- SP1 - Maritime Technologies
- SP2 - Technologies for Sustainable Fishing
- SP3 - Planning of the Maritime Space in Coastal Waters
- SP4 - Planning of the Deep Marine Environment and the Open Sea
- SP5 - Observation System for the Marine Mediterranean Environment
- SP6 - Research, Training and Dissemination Structures
- SP7 - Interoperable Infrastructure for the Observation Network and Marine Data
RITMARE in-situ observations network
ISMAR Adriatic in situ observations network
Background: Unharmonized network
- various levels of (or no) funding
- different managing systems
- separated databases
- different validation procedures
- non-standard publishing of data
- non-common (or non existent) data policies
- Unique visible access point for the ISMAR observational network
- Archiving and storing historical data
- real-time data streams for efficient operational model
- Interactive and efficient system
- Interoperability
- Open data
- InfluxDB: open source time-series data storage
- Grafana: open source dashboards for querying and visualizing time series and metrics
A quick hands-on
Additional bonus: ISMAR Data app
Still in Beta!
- From a series of unconnected systems to a real network
- Optimization of quality controlled data flows
- Use of open source technologies and international standards
- Vision towards open data access and sharing
CNR-ISMAR in situ observations network: new approaches for an interactive, high performance, interoperable system
by Menegon S., Penna P., Bastianini M., Stanghellini G., Riminucci F., Minuzzo T., Sarretta A.
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
It can be viewed online here and downloaded here.
To cite this work please refer to:
“Stefano Menegon, Pierluigi Penna, Mauro Bastianini, Giuseppe Stanghellini, Francesco Riminucci, Tiziano Minuzzo, Alessandro Sarretta (2016). CNR-ISMAR in situ observations network: new approaches for an interactive, high performance, interoperable system. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4001448